
This is the first of three more recent posts that were lost, so my memory is sketchy at best. Here’s what little I can remember of this dream:

David Tennant walks up to me and says that he loves me, and kisses me. Sadly, that’s all I can recall of this one; I remember that it was a really good dream, and that I was confused when I woke up because I’ve never actually watched Dr. Who, and wasn’t even sure what the actor’s name was until I looked it up.


I was walking this big fluffy black dog in a yard, and then we left the yard through a gap in the fence to enter the woods. We explored some fallen logs, and I crawled around the base of a tree, mimicking what the dog was doing. After one full circle of the tree, I realized I was cold; it turned out that I’d been out in the woods for weeks, but only realized it because I circled the tree. Everything turned book-like, and I was reading what happened to myself like a story. The dog and I, starving, ate some bright red berries, and the words at the end of the chapter/book were, “But they never tried Queen Anne’s Revenge again,” or something like that.

[End Dream]

I don’t recall ever having a dream turn into a book before, though it does make sense, considering how much I love books. Still, the Queen Anne’s Revenge? Wasn’t that a famous pirate ship?


My grandma, a friend, and two of my cousins go to town to get lunch. We go to Burger King. All of the meals come with a Pokemon card. My cousins, friend, and I leave BK and start walking along. There is a festival going on. We decide to find my dad, but can’t locate him anywhere. I’m barefoot, and the ground is hard and rocky. My friend and I leave the cousins and head back to my parent’s house to find my dad, but we’re scared because he is a monster. A car has crashed on the side of the road, and a dog is sitting in the wreckage. I sneak into my parent’s house, help my dad mix some stuff that is in the bathtub without letting him know I’m in the house, and leave. He thinks he saw me there, but isn’t sure. The person in the car accident gets my monster-dad to help him and takes him to the site of the crash. My friend and me are hidden behind this old, crumbly building near the crash site, and have to stay quiet so dad and the guy don’t know we’re there. It turns out the dog is actually Chewbacca, and the guy is a bounty hunter, or so he explains to dad. The bounty hunter says the word rabbit, and dad immediately kills and eats him. Even dad is started by this action, and blames the guy, who shouldn’t have mentioned the word rabbit in his presence. Back home I borrow a car, still trying to not be seen, but I just drive it to the neighbors, check out the new guy who just moved in there and his dogs, turn around in the garage, and go home. Dad sees me get out of the car and I run into the blackberry patch, where the trees aren’t too thick. Dad doesn’t follow. Fireworks are being set off, and the ground turns to piles and piles of old clothes and blankets. I only leave when I see that the fireworks are large ones being set off really close and that the sparks are canisters containing the fireworks, which are landing in the piles of laundry.

[End dream]

I love it when I can remember little details about dreams, but I know there are still bits that I didn’t write down – it’s hard to get all of these thoughts and images onto paper when you’re half-asleep and writing by hand. I always copy the dreams to a word document later, but something always gets lost in the translation from dream to word.


Three creatures inhabited the world in which I resided. Two of the types lived together, while the third type of creature was rare and hardly seen. I was one of the common types. I wandered with two of my friends on a trip; we were trying to travel to the moon, but ended up just going to an old town. It seemed that humans ruled the world a long time ago. Within the town was an old nursing home, which housed the last human on earth, a woman who had been a young girl when the other three species first came into being. We spoke with her, but she had dementia and was difficult to get sense out of. Others from our home village came and spoke with her, but we eventually got them to leave her alone. Later, I decided to run away from home in search of the third species, but I had a lot of difficulty getting away. I ran through snow-covered fields, found a car, and drove to a hotel. I didn’t have many possessions, but took great care to take everything inside with me. I met two girls who were also staying in that hotel, and went up to the third floor. I then realized that my room was on the first floor, and had to go down the stairs to reach my own room.

[End Dream]

Those were weird stairs that I had to go down, as I recall; I kept thinking that I was going to fall down them for sure. You know those dreams where you fall down stairs and then start awake? I wonder what it would be like for that to happen when you’re already as deep into a dream as I was in this one.