
This is the first of three more recent posts that were lost, so my memory is sketchy at best. Here’s what little I can remember of this dream:

David Tennant walks up to me and says that he loves me, and kisses me. Sadly, that’s all I can recall of this one; I remember that it was a really good dream, and that I was confused when I woke up because I’ve never actually watched Dr. Who, and wasn’t even sure what the actor’s name was until I looked it up.


I’m in church, trying to learn to pray, but the pews all face away from the pulpit so we have to either sit on our knees facing the back of the pew, with our heads screwed around at difficult levels, or facing away from the minister. The friend sitting by me and I leave; there is a war going on, and we need to fight. After many battlefields filled with men trying to kill us we make our way back to the capital, where we meet up with my friend’s boyfriend and her brother. I feel like I’ve never seen her brother before, and while we stand around, blood-stained and exhausted, he leans into me. Some heavy-armored men come around and begin picking out all the men, grabbing them and pulling them towards these glass doors. I try to go after them, and my friend pulls me back, but I need to see her brother again. The men are already headed towards the battlegrounds by the time we reach the doors. There are two doors – one which leads into the building and one which leads out – and once you leave the building, you have pledged to fight and cannot go back inside. There is a group of women already outside, getting outfitted for fighting, and though I’m afraid of killing and dying, I push my way out the door. My friend follows. I am shoeless and unarmed, as are many of the other women, but somehow we manage to survive and fight. Years pass, and I stand alone on a carcass-ridden battlefield, alive but changed. No friend stands by my side now. I make my way back to the capital building, weary and a changed woman. I wear armor, have shaved my head for easier fighting, and still long for something I know I’ve lost – and then I see him, my old friend’s brother. He’s unchanged, except for the bright armor and shining sword, symbols that he is a leader in the war. We begin walking together, and I am certain he does not recognize me. We talk, and after a while I mention that I knew him many years ago, before the fighting grew so terrible. He smiles and says he couldn’t forget me, never did, and leans in again, like so many years before, and kisses me. I feel changed, and even though the war is still everywhere, I feel at peace. We watch as a new army of our men builds; this one is mere boys and girls, people who have absolutely no training, but if they can defeat the final stragglers of the enemy’s army, we will at last have one. The man and I go out on a train to where the battle is to be held, and see the leader of their army, and older, thin man who claims to be a god who can never die. He takes us unawares, but I rush him, jabbing a corkscrew into his chest, right below the ribs, and throw him to the ground as I yank it out. Before I stab him with my sword I look into his fear-filled eyes and remind him that he will live forever. Then I kill him. The man and I take another train back to the city; without their leader, the other side is already defeated. We pass a large building filled with well-dressed men and women who, despite working in a building with no windows or doors, seem strangely elite and look at us like we are trash. I ask the man by my side who they are; he explains they are the real ones behind the war, using people as pawns to make their moves. Suddenly I feel small and worthless, and the war we have fought and died in is not what I thought it was.


[End Dream]


Despite sounding deep and sad, I really enjoyed this dream; it felt like more of a romance than a war story, and it was nice, even at the end of a bloody and devastating war, to be alive and have someone by my side.


I’m walking down the sidewalk, and I know that Queen Elizabeth is dead and it’s very sad – everyone’s downcast and crying. I see a woman sitting on a fancy lawn chair (you’d be surprised at how fancy a dream lawn chair can get!), and I just know that she’s the new queen. Either her or her husband is named Margaret, and the other also has a feminine name. I go to shake her hand – it seems no one else has come to see her yet – but I get all flustered because I’m not sure what to do. At first I shake her hand, then I go down on one knee, then both knees, and back up to one; I ask if I should kiss her hand, and she gives me a choice: either a silver ring or a gold one. I pick the silver one, and she smiles. A friend of mine comes over, kisses a ring too, and then reminds me that we have to go. I bid the queen goodbye and good luck, and we leave. My friend gives me a sniper rifle, and we begin walking down the street. I sight everything I can with the gun – trees, animals, even people I recognize – but I don’t shoot anything, reminding myself that this is not a toy or a game, but real life. Finally I come upon a building with a high window, through which I can see a day moon. I sight the moon and shoot, but either my shot misses or my gun doesn’t fire, as no hole appears. My friend and I walk up to the building and see a line of people; we go to the front and see that the building is closed. At the front are some guys who say that they’re waiting to get in, even though it’s closed, and we all laugh about it. My friend and I then walk away.


[End Dream]


Talk about a boring ending. Also, I’m not sure if this was one or two dreams – it certainly sounds like two to me, since the connection between meeting the queen and getting a gun are so loose.