
This is the first of three more recent posts that were lost, so my memory is sketchy at best. Here’s what little I can remember of this dream:

David Tennant walks up to me and says that he loves me, and kisses me. Sadly, that’s all I can recall of this one; I remember that it was a really good dream, and that I was confused when I woke up because I’ve never actually watched Dr. Who, and wasn’t even sure what the actor’s name was until I looked it up.


I find an apartment after a long drive through the woods with my mother. This is not my normal apartment, though; it is one which I only stay at when I come home. Inside it is plain, but I know my best friends live here. I open the door at one point and see many friends, from both college and high school. We embrace, and I chat up the girls while the boys watch TV. Eventually one of my roommates looks out from a room and asks that I keep the place clean. After a while everyone leaves, and I realize that I cannot stay here. I step into the hall and begin walking, knowing that someone seeks me. I team up with someone and learn that I am in the future; after being chased for a while we decide to part ways, knowing we have a better chance of survival that way. I hide within a three-edged pillar in what feels like a parking complex; the man stalking us passes right by me as I breathe unsteadily. I don’t know how he misses me. My friend, I am sure, escapes the building, but the man knows I am on this floor – the building tells him that I am somewhere around here. He gets in a car and begins driving around the lot, shining headlights into the cracks and crevices, and I know I need to make my escape now, if ever. I begin to run, make it through several doors and past many angry guards, before bursting outside, only to see the man who had been chasing me, along with several bikers, right out on the roof deck. Beyond is a ruined city, though you have to look closely to see that it is ruined, as there is some sort of matrix-like computer making everything seem normal. I run to the side and up some stairs to a higher area, and the man calmly follows; when I have nowhere else to go, he catches me. He explains that I have two choices: I can let him kill me, or I can go with the leader of the bikers below, who decided he wants me. One of the bikers follows us up and starts explaining how he and his friends are the Marco Polo’s of the new world, seeking out new lands and adventures. He really is into Marco Polo, and explains a great deal of his history to me. I decide to live, and go back down the stairs. The leader beckons me forward, then has me open my mouth. He studies my teeth as one would a horse, then my hands, and asks without speaking about the scarce callouses. The man who chased me explains that I am soft. The biker looks me over, then shoves me a saddlebag, and one of his men tells me to collect my things in that and a small backpack. I will be going with them.


[End Dream]




I’m at a huge party with my family and friends. We all sit at a long table and order lots of food – full meals, desserts, the works. At one point I leave the table where I’m sitting with the younger folk and go sit by a distant aunt I haven’t seen in many long years, who is in turn sitting by my paternal grandmother. She seems a bit confused, but is having fun nevertheless. Everyone is having such a lovely time. When I go back to my table, I see that some people have ordered crepes, and I’m a bit jealous that I didn’t order crepes, too – they just sound so good! Anyways, the younger folk and I decide we want to have fun, so since our table has wheels on it, we turn off the locks and start sliding it a bit. The table continues to slide, faster and faster, and we can’t stop it.Finally it reaches the end of a long road, and we decide to camp. People slowly trickle back to the big party, but I see an entrance to the lake and want to go have a peek. I walk down the dirt path, and through the trees I can see the lake, which is considered Canadian waters. I walk through a gravel-lined clearing and up to a second path, but down below, in the waters, is a dark-hooded figure. I watch for only a moment, but it sees me and I know i must run. The exit to the first dirt path is blocked by a large, clear-black cube, and the woods on either side of the path are screened off. I kick in one of the larger screens and crawl through the woods, kick off another screen on the other side, and leave the woods, hiding behind a car. Somehow I know that the black-hooded figure which comes after me is death, and so I hide and wonder if it will be possible to avoid it.


[End Dream]


If I never update again, it’s because the dream was an omen and I’m to die today. I hope, if that’s the case, that I have the bravery to face death, and not run like a frightened child. We’ll see.


I’m out walking in the woods with a large group. Many of the people are my friends or family. We’re walking around a large clearing within the forest, and strange “natural” objects – a pink vase, a purple stone triangle – are set up on wooden tables. There are two paths I could take: the first is more lit and open, while the second, more enclosed and dark. I’m having  a difficult time deciding, when the music playing from my mp3 player starts going off-track with what it should. I decide to “restart,” like going back to the last save point in a video game, but that takes me to a new scene altogether, picking my path for me. I try to “restart” again, but the same thing happens. In front of me are a guy who looks like a childhood Captain Hook and a girl in his embrace. They got lost, and are trying to avoid cannibals. The girl is super sassy about being found with Hook, and claims that she loved him from the moment she first laid eyes on him. We get caught by the cannibals, and are forced to chase after a friend of ours. This friend is mounted on top of a wheel and must keep walking while writing out equations. Every time she writes or says the word “mayday,” which is apparently some part of her equation, we have to use the Pikachu they gave us to shock her. By the time we’re finished everyone is tired and wants to leave. We’re led to a bus, which is filled with yet more of our friends. One friend in particular keeps kissing everyone on the cheek in greeting, and another girl says that she’s cousins with her and so it’s fine if they kiss. The kissing friend then finds a bottle of hair glue and, as an “experiment,” decides to put it in everyone’s hair. Everyone else immediately has great hair, with funky styles and neat looks, while my own hair just immediately looks greasy and gross. The only other girl who doesn’t look good is a Mennonite girl who didn’t want to take off her hat, so when she did, she laid her face down in her arms, and hair glue girl rubbed the product over the back of her hair.


[End Dream]


Y’know, I think this one actually made more sense before I wrote it down. Also, I tried to post it on the 5th (Happy Guy Fawkes Day!), but I only just noticed today that it never actually posted. Oops.


I meet new friends, perhaps at college, and we go to a small restaurant to hang out and chat. We’re all smoking casually and eating, and we leave the restaurant good friends. We go to visit one of their mothers’ houses, and she has a view of  a large church near where I live. As we wander back, we stumble onto this golf course. We are somehow exiles on this course, which doesn’t belong on the urban landscape we’d previously been in, and the course owner is suspicious of us. He has a big dog and only lets specific people onto his course, and always only women. The girls all look eerily similar to the Disney princesses. He tries to let us join, but the golf balls we have are black and larger than normal, signaling our exile-hood. The owner reluctantly gives us yellow balls which are “normal,” and shows us how his dog retrieves them, but only when thrown in certain directions. He’s very strict about where the golf balls are thrown, and makes a big point of yelling at one girl who lost her ball. We are told we should never, ever lose ours.


[End Dream]


It felt far more coherent when I was still asleep, I swear.


I’m walking down the hallway, trying to get to my first class. I don’t really know why I’m there, because I clearly know I’ve been to college and finished several degrees, but I get to my English classroom anyways, because that’s where my best friend tells me we have to go. After arriving, I find several copies of a seating chart; each student has a number next to their name (mine is 49), and a notation of where they should sit. I cannot find my seat, so after wandering I finally sit at a back table, near the teacher’s desk. I recognize a lot of faces from my high school days, and they’re all talking about the 2-4 page paper we have due in government. I’m sure I didn’t do it, but I’m not worried – after all, I majored in English in college and grad school, so I can handle this. Besides, since I seem to be in high school and not just dropping in, I figure I’ve already wrote and finished a copy; I’ll edit it before class, pop into the computer lab, and turn in a polished draft. I pick up from other people talking that we’ve just got back from Christmas break, and I realize something bad has happened to make me confused about being in high school – though, still, I’m sure that I’ve already graduated college. Everyone at my table knows my current roommate, and I explain that I’m feeling fuzzy-headed because something traumatic happened over Christmas break to me. People being bringing trays of food to the table, filled with cakes, pies, and a ton of donuts, and we all begin snacking. The teacher then gives us all a test, which I fly through. Others seem nervous, but she grades them quickly while we all eat more sweets, and begins handing them back. She doesn’t give them back easily, though; she holds them above students’ heads, at one point even standing on a chair, but this causes one of the plates to roll off the table, so she stops doing that and just hands them back.


[End Dream]


What’s scariest of this to me is that I think my confusion stemmed from being in high school but knowing the future, and having that traumatize me. I knew who would die and from what, and how I would experience that, but had no choice but to sit back and wait for the situations to all unfold.


I’m out on the road with my roommates, on some sort of non-car vehicle – motorcycles or 4-wheelers or something of the like. We’re driving along, going to check out our new home that we just bought, which formerly was R. Kelly’s mansion. It’s huge, with indoor basketball courts, a helipad, and something like 12 bedrooms and 20 bathrooms. Anyway, we’re heading back home when there’s an accident. One of my roommates is sent flying from her vehicle and grates her top teeth along the pavement. She then just sits on the side of the road, rocking back and forth; she looks almost like a cartoon character. There is no blood, just broken glass everywhere. An ambulance picks her up, and the paramedics who clean up the glass give me and the people with me cans of soup, boxes of cereal, and drinks. I ask one of the paramedics if my roommate will be okay, but the prognosis is not good; she has a very unlikely chance of ever working professionally because of the damage. They might as well have told me she was going to die for how it made me feel. I have to leave when I hear this, and my fellow riders and I go to the R. Kelly mansion, while my other roommate goes to her boyfriend’s house. Everyone is amazed at the mansion, and don’t seem to notice my distress. I’m overcome with both hunger and the urge to speak with my hurt roommate’s parents, but cannot seem to get on the phone with them.


[End Dream]


I do wish I would stop having dreams about people dying or getting hurt. I don’t usually record them, as they are incredibly distressing, but decided to write this one down in the hopes that I’ll be able to recognize that it’s just a dream trope of mine.

Also, I think R. Kelly – or some other famous rapper – really is selling a mansion, in Chicago, I think. My roommate (the one who was hurt) and I found out that it’s going for ridiculously cheap, considering it’s a mansion… I’d rather have her healthy and professional, though.


I’m staying at my grandparent’s house for some reason – there are a lot of people gathered, so at first I think someone has died, but there are cupcakes, which seem a bit festive for a solemn occasion. I don’t really recognize many of the people there, anyways. I go to visit an old school of mine for a few days, and spend most of my time hanging out with a person I’d never met before and someone I hadn’t really known. We spend a lot of time eating at a restaurant inside a store, and though I recognize quite a few people, none of them are people I ever knew well. I take a bus home after staying a few nights, and watch what I think is a drug deal take place in the back of the bus; one of the participants later shows me some sort of fake wallet they were actually putting together out of index cards which is somehow illegal. I get home and there are still people eating. My mother puts on my grandfather’s “tallow” shirt – for eating some kind of greasy or fatty kind of meat, I think – and laughs to see it hasn’t been washed and is covered in fat. I pour some cereal to eat – Lucky Charms – and see a bird pecking at crumbs from some pretzel sticks. I take the sticks back to the bird’s nest and offer to crumble the pretzels for the bird’s son. He agrees, but when I also offer some of my cereal, the bird explains that he cannot have the marshmallows, as they’re bad for birds. I go inside to separate the cereal from the marshmallow.


[End Dream]


… This is definitely not one of my more cohesive dreams.


I’m at some sort of outdoor festival or convention of sorts. I’m sitting at a table with some friends from college, and a show starts in our area (the event is spread out, and it looks like there are shows in different areas). A man wearing some kind of glove which makes his hand visible but his forearm invisible takes the lead. I assume it is around Christmas time, because he begins setting up an artificial Christmas tree. He takes strands of garland from around the neck of a friend who is sitting at another table, and she calls him out on using strings to make the garland appear to float. After a few more tricks which I, at least, enjoy, he leaves, saying he’ll be back later to finish. The friend with the garlands leaves to take a nap, and I get in a car with some other friends. We begin driving down alleyways, and people disappear until it’s just me, in the backseat, and the driver. We keep hitting dead ends, and finally back up until we get back to where we started. I recognize the event grounds as near where I grew up. I find a friend and we begin walking, but the ground is uneven and it’s difficult to navigate.

[End Dream]

I don’t usually leave one dreamscape and return later; normally I would’ve gotten into the car and drove somewhere completely new. The fact that we tried to return to the place where the dream started seems important, I think.


My parents have won a prize offered for watching the show “Once Upon A Time.” The prize is for us and whoever we want to go out to get dinner in any restaurant we chose, and the certificate – basically a blank check that can only be spent on food – for for something like $100,000 or something. We decide to pick a really swanky restaurant, and we’re going to eat nice meals, as well as buy a ton of extra food to take home. I ask my mom and she agrees that I can bring some friends. I first invite my friend Jess and her husband, but he has to work she she and her sister are coming instead. She mentions that she’ll play the flute while we’re there, and I tell her no, I’m inviting her to come eat. She says she knows, but that she hasn’t played the flute in a long time and is out of practice, but it’ll give us before-dinner music. While we talk Jess has begun to spray the floors. At first I think she is using Febreeze, but I then realize that it’s a floor cleaner and use the mop to wash up what she’s sprayed. My mom, Jess, and I drive down the road a ways, and mom shows us where the road has washed out – there is a crevice maybe five feet deep and three or four feet wide running the length of the road. We go back to the house and another friend, Amanda, shows up with some canned food for my dog. I remember that I asked Amanda to go with us, too, so I’m bringing three friends instead of two. My mom doesn’t care, and we get ready to go to the restaurant. Mom tells Jess and Amanda to meet us in front of the library. I ask her which one – the public library or the school library – and she gets all flustered and says she doesn’t care. I tell everyone the school library, and they leave.


[End Dream]


First off, my parents never watched “Once Upon A Time.” Second, Jess played the trumpet, never the flute. Third, and most important, my dreams about food never get to the actual eating part. I kept thinking about the delicious food I would eat, but I never actually got to taste it. I bet dream food is amazing, too…