
I was at a party with some of my close friends back home, when my ex-boyfriend shows up. It’s nice to see him [out of dream note: It actually would be nice. We were friends before dating and friends for quite a while after, but have fallen out-of-touch after I moved to a different state. Stranger things have happened]. We chatted, and he sort of started coming onto me; I avoided his advances, because I didn’t want to be hurt.  He was hurt, though, and started yelling at me that I’d done all of these terrible things while we waited – telling him his punk-rock clothing was weird [which I never did – I actually like that style], or thinking that he should get a degree of some kind. I yelled after him that at least I had a job, and he got even angrier and left, fuming. I felt bad for yelling afterwards, even though he was the one who’d been insulting and mean to me for turning away his advances.


[End Dream]


Two posts in one day – weird, right? I guess strange things happen when you’re sleeping at a different place (I’m housesitting). At any rate… weird dream, and one that I’m not altogether comfortable with. Bleh.


I finally understood the lyrics to the song “Dirty Paws” by Of Monsters and Men. It was beautiful, and I felt so honored to understand at last what the heck the lyrics to that song actually meant.


[End Dream]


…of course, I forgot what the meaning was the moment I crawled out of bed. That’s how it goes, I suppose. Here’s a song link, for those who haven’t heard it before:


It’s pretty, but the lyrics make no sense to me (well, not when I’m awake, at least).


I’m running around a city, trying to find places. Earlier, I was ambling, finding new worlds to explore in the city, but now I’m in a rush; I have a train to catch and need to run to make it. I leave a hospital where I was visiting a friend who had just given birth and begin running, unsure if I’ve already missed my train. My cousin calls me and I try to focus on what he’s saying – something about being on a boat that has instructions saying he needs to avoid the water groves – and I finally tell him I have to go, because I can’t focus on the numbers for my bus ticket that I’m trying to write down. The numbers shift slightly every time I look away, and I can’t seem to find a time that the bus leaves. I don’t even think I’ve done any packing yet.


[End Dream]


There was a lot more with the world exploring in the beginning – I remember a disgusting caterpillar or snail, and accidentally kicking sand down a hill into someone’s car window and feeling guilty – but I don’t have as clear of memories of those events.


My best friend, her husband, and I are all sitting in the audience at a wedding. The couple are up on a stage – sort of like the stage in a high school auditorium, not like in a church.  I’m not sure who the groom is, but the bride is my elderly 2nd grade teacher. Someone at one point asks from the audience if she’s 32, and she shakes her head no, which somehow surprises all of us. Anyways, when it comes to be her part to say her vows, she sits down on the stage, pulls out an old-school projector – the kind with clear plastic sheets and erasable markers – and begins drawing. At first they’re simple drawings; in particular, I remember one with a cat crashing into a planet or moon, except the cat was the same size as the celestial object. The slides get deeper, though, and soon I’m interacting with what’s going on inside of them. The story starts out with my second grade teacher talking about a young child whom no one loved. It takes place in a cave, and everyone is wearing animal skins. The child is always happy and cheerful, even though he is an orphan. Someone else within the tribe wants him dead, though, and after a catalyst of some sort, he escapes and begins running. I’m still watching from the audience at this point, but soon get more involved. I follow the bad guy who is chasing the child as well as two escaped prisoners who are a couple in love. We lose the child, and I realize that the bad guy is about to catch the couple. I motion for them to go inside a building, which they do, and make the scene look normal by picking up a baby which some lady asks me to hold and chatting at it. Eventually the couple comes back out, and then my grandma arrives and begins calling the baby in my arms after one of my younger cousins. She chatters on and on about how she was going to go to my 2nd grade teacher’s wedding, but needed to go to the bank, and wasn’t sure if it was her wedding or someone else’s anymore, and how the bank teller was my best friend’s little sister. The little sister had told my grandma once that she always cried at funerals – which seemed odd to everyone – and when she started crying at the bank, my grandma realized that the little sister was crying for my grandma.


[End Dream]


As my grandma has Alzheimer’s and really can’t remember important things anymore, that last part of the dream was especially sad.