
I’m on a mission: to save one of my comrades, a girl who has been kidnapped by a rival group. These groups seem like regular sororities or fraternities, but they’re bigger, with territories and alliances that break all too easily. For instance, my group was, until recently, friends with this group, but when we made friends with a different group, rivals to the first, we lost said first group as allies. In retaliation they took my friend hostage. I go to their hideout and, outside, manage to find the room where my friend is hidden, but the window is too high for her to reach; I will have to sneak inside, which I do without too much trouble. I find the child of the leader of the group and try to convince him to help me break out my friend, but he doesn’t want to listen; I follow him around this enormous, mall-like building, pleading for his aid. He isn’t really involved in the politics, and eventually agrees. With his help, we break into the room where my friend is, but the door locks behind us; we can leave, but she cannot. The child, on my instructions, leaves and returns quickly with a suit of his father’s clothes. We dress up my friend in my clothes, and I put on the leader’s clothes – a suit, tie, and shoes, which I kept reminding the child would be necessary – and manage to escape, even passing the leader on the way. Something is wrong, though, and I realize that this is not my friend I have reclaimed; I must go back. I do, and the leader meets me, haughty and impervious. He will not let my friend go, and threatens to lock me up, as well. I tell him that he will have to, as I will not leave without my friend, and he just laughs in my face.

[End Dream]


It’s amazing how vividly I can recall that cell room – small, damp, with high ceilings and rags hanging from the walls, and no comfort. How could I do anything but try to free my dream-friend?